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bubble pop

美 [ˈbʌbl pɑːp]英 [ˈbʌbl pɒp]
  • 网络舞蹈;炫雅;练习室版;中字;练习室
bubble popbubble pop
  1. But when exactly did the social media bubble pop ?


  2. This situation worked out pretty well until the Fed started its anti-deflationary balance sheet expansion and ZIRP to combat US real estate market bubble pop .


  3. By each bubble you pop , you will manage that your score will increase .


  4. But just a year later , the Berlin Wall fell and the Japanese stock market bubble went pop .


  5. When you squeeze a balloon , you can never be sure where the bubble will pop out .


  6. But , like with all bubbles , these early IPOs will attract companies with less stellar finances , the quality IPO pipeline will diminish rapidly and the bubble will pop .


  7. If the bubble were to pop , it could have a bigger impact on social stability than any previous downturn in the stock market's16-year history .


  8. Many economists and analysts said that the nearly 40 percent rise over the last three months was unsustainable , a bubble waiting to pop .


  9. The bubble may not pop , per se , since there is so much demand from the newly rich in China , Russia , the Middle East and Latin America .


  10. That 's because while our local lenders have little direct exposure to Canadian banks , the similarity between our two economies could cause a fresh wave of risk aversion among global investors , many of whom already believe our property market is a bubble ready to pop .


  11. There was this little air bubble that needed to pop , you know ?


  12. Some might see this as a classic symptom of a bubble economy about to pop .


  13. Perhaps the Chinese bubble will also go pop , leaving those who have predicted a Chinese century scratching their heads in embarrassment and surprise .


  14. Some say there is a huge bubble , some say there is no bubble and some say even if there is a bubble it will never pop .
